

MILoRDS Project

Title: Minimally Invasive Procedures for Lasers and Robots in Diagnosis & Surgery (MILoRDS)
Measure: POR CreO FESR 2007 – 2013
Time Frame: 2009 to 2012
Project Cost: €8,000,000

Imaginalis is the natural product of a temporary consortium (ATS) united to work on the network project MILORDS, which was co-financed by the Tuscany Region. In 2011, the project saw the collaboration of a diverse partnership coordinated by El.En. SpA, and included companies in the Tuscan opto-mechatronic cluster, as well as prestigious research institutions, such as the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, the CNR-IFAC in Sesto Fiorentino, UNIFI, and UNIPI. All partners participating in the project possessed complementary skills in mechatronics and optoelectronics and shared a strong vocation for scientific research in the field of technology transfer, as well as in process and product innovation. This project saw the development of a CBCT imaging platform combined with an anthropomorphic robotic arm for minimally invasive laser surgery.

FORTE Project

Title: la FOtonica nella Ricerca TEranostica (FORTE)
Measure: POR CreO FESR 2007 – 2013, Plan of Action 1.5a – 1.6, One-Time Selection in R&D (2012)
Time Frame: 2013-2015
Project Cost €2.7 million (Imaginalis contributed as a subcontractor).

Purpose To study and develop technological solutions aimed at promoting new non-invasive or minimally invasive ‘photo-theranostic’ procedures, in which photonic diagnostics (spectroscopic analysis, ionizing radiation) is used for laser surgery.
The project allowed for the development of an imaging platform built using Milords, which was combined with an anthropomorphic robotic arm to be used as a guiding and pointing system during robotic surgeries. During the FORTE project, we specifically focused on brain injuries, spinal injuries, and third ventriculo-cisternostomy in children with hydrocephalus.

Artrigo Project

Title: Artrigo
Measure: Stability Law 2017 – MD 24 September 2014, “SMART&START ITALIA”
Time Frame: December 2017 – June 2020
Project Cost: 825,540 (577,878 in funding)

Purpose: The study and development of a medical cone beam CT X-ray imaging scanner to capture sequences of the following areas for diagnostic purposes: the ear, nose and throat (ENT), the dento-maxillofacial complex, teeth, the jaw and maxilla, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), other areas of the human skull and neck, sections of the upper cervical spine, and the upper and lower limbs. The device generates 2D and 3D images of each anatomical region examined.

ComptoNM Project

Title: COMPuted TOmography and Nuclear Medicine (Compto NM)
Measure: POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020, AXIS 1 – ACTION 1.1.5 – sub-action a1. “MSME research and development projects”, Selection 2.
Time Frame: February 2018 – June 2020
Project Cost: 1,315,387.96 (total approved contribution: 627,827.98)

Partnership: Imaginalis Srl, ACTA Srl, QPREL Srl, CNR-ISTI: A. FAEDO Institute of Information Science and Technologies, University of Florence – MARIO SERIO – Department of Biomedical, Experimental and Clinical Sciences
Purpose: Development and assessment of an imaging platform that integrates nuclear medicine sensors (PET or SPECT) and CBCT technology into a compact and transportable device dedicated to the study of neurodegenerative and cerebrovascular diseases.

CT for Human Project

Title: CT for Human
Measure: POR FESR 2014-2020 Axis 1 – Action 1.1.2 – Tuscan Region Selection
Time Frame: January 2018 – June 2018
Project Cost: 49,600 (approved contribution: 12,350.40)

Purpose: with the CT for Human project (Computed Tomography for Human Medicine), user needs were analyzed to define a ‘development plan’ for solutions to be adopted during the development phase of a radiological imaging product for the human medicine industry.

Cambiamo Project

POR CReO FESR Toscana 2007-2013 – Line 1 4 b 1) – Guarantee Fund Section 1 “Support for investments by SMEs in the industry, crafts, cooperation, and other sectors”.

Tuscany Region – Fidi – Toscana Muove
Project Cost: 565,000 (funding granted: 500,000)
Time Frame: January 2016 – January 2017

Investment program aimed at supporting business development through the creation of a new plant (Imaginalis’ current headquarters).
In 2015, Imaginalis was able to produce approximately six devices per month. Following international supply agreements and the development of new products, the need arose to double production capacity and to build at least three independent production lines. The company’s interest in the human medicine market also resulted in the need for work spaces that met certain regulations.

Finally, new headquarters would make it possible to dedicate rooms exclusively to R&D activities, which is an important component of the sector in which Imaginalis operates.